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More about the release

Open Secret is a touring offsite event curated by Dana Dawud, which showcases time-based works deploying new media and emerging technologies within online culture. It has so far visited Sweden, Hungary, Mexico, Canada, Iran, China, Austria and the United States. The events bring into question contemporary states of "post" - being, post-discipline, post-irony, post-net, post-shitpost. Open Secret is actively opposed to the passivity associated with the infinite scroll of the digital landscape. Drawing from Bataille’s concept that "the richest knowledge... is to honestly recognize that we know nothing and to talk about the unknown," what happens when cinema touches the internet and the internet touches cinema?

“Becoming” is a “machine” composed of several domains or “fields”, including a publishing label, a record label, an audiovisual room, and an online magazine. All of these fields are distinct, but operate in symbiosis, following a singular editorial line.

Meaning both “without identity” and “with a non-identity”, the contronym “non-identarian” points to the line of Becoming. This line traces socio-historical and mytho-poetic trails, through philosophy, biology, music and theology, leaving traces of tracings along the way, in the form of books & magazines, editorials, albums & radio shows and films. It is in the weaving of these fields, these machines, and what these machines together weave, that Becoming unravels, for Becoming is but a publishing-machine. “Becoming” is as much the on-going formation of structured cycles as it is the principle of chaotic oceanic flows within which order intermittently metastasises. Becoming is not chaos, but its nature and its creative intellect. It is from chaos that everything forms, and it forms through the process of Becoming. Chaos is not the opposite of order because order is but an order of chaos—within chaos—so there is always chaos within order, and order always leads to chaos. The two poles appear to polarise but when we look away they trade-places. Rhythm emerges from the noise. Orders are patterns and patterns are signs which are noisy. Becoming is as Dionysian as chthonic, chthulucenic composts, and as Apollonian as a song sung on a summer’s day sunrise.

Record details

Culture, Art, Internet
Release Date
23 December 2024
Catalog Number

RSVP: Becoming Press x Open Secret @ Casa do Comum, Lisbon

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RSVP to guarantee a seat at the Open Secret x Becoming Lisbon edition, hosted at 'Casa Do Comum' as a part of Becoming's launch of Unconscious/Television (2025) by Lucas Ferraço Nassif

January 22, 18:00 CASA DO COMUM Rua da Rosa 285, Lisbon

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Sold out
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Limited run of 31